Argon / Argon mix
0-572 Depends on Gas Type
High pressure lead
Made and assembled in Brisbane with Genuine Harris Regulators and complies to all current Australian standards
Prevailing Warranty
Model H25 Regulator series
High grade, high flow manifolds available in manual or fully auto option to suit all types of gases, high flow regulators, isolation valves, high pressure hose leads, made to suit all your requirements, just ask your stockist for a quote and install
1 x 1 Argon or Argon Mix manifold for Packs or Cylinders
Comprised as follow:
1 x H2515B Argon Reg. 0 to 1500kpa outlet
2 x 1800mm High Pressure Leads with NRV & Dust Caps to type 10
3 x Isolation Valves
1 x Safety Release Valve 4 POD SRV
Isolation Valve on outlet to 3/4" Copper Compression
1 x Mounted in Weather and Tamper Proof Storm Case