30mm diameter x 250mm length barrel with valves, 2 hose inlet, toggle Oxy cutting valve (198-2-30)

30mm diameter x 250mm length barrel with valves, 2 hose inlet, toggle Oxy cutting valve (198-2-30)

35mm diameter x 480mm length barrel with 3 valves 3 hose inlet

35mm diameter x 480mm length barrel with 3 valves 3 hose inlet

35mm diameter x 250mm length barrel with valves, 2 hose inlet, toggle Oxy cutting valve and racking (Z1982F/35R)



Prevailing Conditions apply

Harris machine torches offer the ultimate in gas mixing, performance and ease of adjustment desired by the industry. Various lengths, diameters allow for retro fitting and updating machines.
The ultimate in gas mixing and performance