Speedglas G5-01/9100 hard-coated outside cover lenses pk=10

Speedglas G5-01/9100 hard-coated outside cover lenses pk=10

Speedglas 9100V inside cover lenses pk=5

Speedglas 9100V inside cover lenses pk=5

Speedglas G5-01/9100 high heat outside cover lenses high heat pk=10


Pack of ten high heat replacement outside cover lenses to suit the 3M Speedglas G5-01 Heavy-Duty Welding Helmet and the 9100 series.
  • Essential for the care & maintenance of your 3M Speedglas G5-01 or 9100 welding helmet
  • High heat-resistant coating for high amperage, high heat applications
  • Rated to 205 degrees Vs the standard cover lens rated to 140 degrees
  • Replace once to twice a week depending on use